Today I have a special blog post for you! I was asked to participate in the
I was so excited to participate in the 200th sketch celebration! Confession time ... I was so excited, in fact, that I did not read all of the challenge criteria. I instantly was inspired and created a card that I love in about 15 minutes. It was when I was drafting the post that I realized the "clean" requirement. Of course it is the night that the post is due and time is not on my side for a recreate and photo session. So for now I have to beg forgiveness at my distressed edge. Eek! I hope I am not banned from the celebration! It is just a little edge, maybe? right?
Here is the rule breaking creation ...
Click on over to the Freshly Made Sketches site to see all of the designers projects (I am sure they are all perfectly with in the rules!). You do not want to miss this celebration and you are going to want to play along. Can you say blog candy? Take a look at the sponsors for this week ....
Go. Stamp. Post. Use #FMS200!
Thanks for visiting! Have a creative day!